In live your best life/ Modern Motherhood/ Mommanista/ Wednesday Wellness

Life in Balance aka Time Management for Moms

The things that are important to us; work, family, personal interests, demand our time and thus create conflict with respect to time management.

Here are 10 tips for a Life in (better) Balance:

1. Get a good planner.
I recently had to upgrade from my calendar to a bonafide planner. I’m using the Erin Condren planner, and I love it!! Remember, we don’t plan to fail, we fail to plan.


2. Don’t overschedule yourself.

We are still bound by the laws of physics, time and space.

3. To balance it all remember,
 1.decide what must be done, 2. prioritize, and 3. be flexible.

4. Build downtime into your schedule.

Treat your mani-pedi with the same importance in your calendar as a work meeting. Writing it in your calendar gives it a placeholder in your schedule.

5. Finding time for yourself.

This can be tricky and recognize that you may have to do some activities before and after your children go to bed. Early morning runs are an example.

6. Set Boundaries.

Learn to say No. ( which is our next Periscope broadcast) For example, set bedtimes and stick to them!

7. Prioritize your activities.

If it doesn’t enhance you- DROP IT! Outsource…you don’t have to do it all right now. Multitask. For example, when my daughter is in ballet lesson, that’s when I get my mani-pedi in the same shopping center.

8. Value your time, and expect that others will as well.

9. Learn to relax. 

 Keep it simple.

10. Plan breaks.

Something as small as a 15 minute walk during a break at work can make a big difference in your day. Weekend getaways and extended vacations are good too!

Most importantly, accept that things will be “out of balance” from time to time. Life happens, so you may as well just enjoy it!

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